Office: 60th Anniversary hall - 1101
Department of Chemical Engineering
Inha University 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, 22212,
Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-32-860-7476
E-mail: jinsub@inha.ac.kr
Education & Experiences
B.S., Inha University, Dept. of Chemical Eng. (1997)
M.S., Inha University, Dept. of Chemical Eng. (1999)
Ph.D., Max-Planck-Institute of Microstructure Physics / Martin-Luther Univ. (2004)
Post-Doc., California Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Eng. (2005)
Senior researcher, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (2008)
Awards & Fellowships
Acdemic Research Award, The Korean Electrochemical Society (Apr., 2021)
High Contribution Award 2020, The Korean Electrochemical Society (Jul., 2020)
(The 30th) Science and Technology Article Award, Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies (Jul., 2020)
Academic Research Award, The Korean Inst. of Surface Engineering (Nov., 2019)
Academic Research Award - International academic paper, Inha University (Feb., 2019)
Ertl Prize 2018, The Ertl Center for electrochemisry and catalysis (Nov., 2018)
High Contribution Award 2017, The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (May., 2017)
New Professional Engineer Award, 2015, The Korean Inst. of Surface Engineering (Nov., 2015)
Best Research Article Award 2008, Korea Inst. of Ceramic Eng. & Tech (Feb., 2008)
Poster Session Award, 2005 International Society of Electrochemistry, Busan, Korea (Sep. 29, 2005)
Poster Session Award, 2002 MRS spring meeting, San Francisco, USA. (Apr., 2002)
Max-Planck-Institute Scholarship, MPI Halle, Germany. (Oct., 2000 – Feb., 2004)
Poster Session Award, The Korea Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting, Seoul. (1998)
Poster Session Award, The Corrosion Society of Korea Fall Meeting, Seoul. (1997)